
Keeping Your Children Happy During A Divorce

Landscapers Deserve To Be Protected When They Are Injured

When someone hires you to perform landscaping work around their property, you may not realize it, but the agreement for you to work makes them at least partially responsible for your safety while you’re on their property. For this reason, if you are injured, it is important that you report your injuries right away to ensure you are protected. Notify, Not Agree You want to notify the homeowner that you have injured yourself as soon as possible, but what you do not want to do is make an agreement about care or compensation. Read More 

Ways A Divorce Lawyer Can Help That You Will Appreciate

It's true, the Internet has so much information that you may be able to struggle through your divorce on your own. However, it's also true that you will likely have a much rougher time. Also, you will likely end up with a worse divorce settlement than you would have if you had a divorce lawyer. The information here will help you see why it's much better for you to enter into your divorce with a divorce lawyer by your side: Read More 

Two Things You Can Do When A Co-Parent Falls Behind On Child Support

Living together or apart, parents are required to financially support their children, which involves the non-custodial parent paying part of their income to the custodial parent, among other things. Sometimes, though, people fall behind for one reason or another. Here's what to do if your co-parent suddenly stops sending in child support payments. Discuss a Temporary Modification A common reason co-parents stop paying is because they don't have the money. They may have experienced a cut in hours, a job loss, or incurred an unavoidable expense that drained their bank accounts (e. Read More 

Can You Divorce Over An Emotional Affair?

Infidelity is the cause of many divorces. When most people think about adultery, they think about a physical relationship outside of a marriage. However, not all infidelity is physical. Emotional affairs are arguably just as bad as an affair that consisted of physical activity. The actions are just as hurtful, if not more hurtful, and can often end a marriage. Unfortunately, an emotional affair is not yet recognized as adultery or infidelity in the eye of the law in many states, even when it is the cause of the marriage breakdown. Read More 

About Me

Keeping Your Children Happy During A Divorce

When it comes to divorce, one of the most challenging aspect is dealing with your children's feelings. They can feel abandoned, depressed, or guilty about the situation, which can affect their schoolwork or social life. Fortunately, divorce doesn't have to destroy your kid's well-being. When I went through my own divorce, I learned some very important skills that helped me to keep my kids content during the proceedings. This blog is all about focusing on your children and knowing how to protect them from a potentially contentious environment. Read more on this website, and feel free to share these articles with others.

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